I was sent and early e-copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
RATING : 2.5 stars
This kind of like sci-fi, contemporary novel follows ten really diverse teenagers who are supposedly being sent out to space and to be a part of a reality show on DV8. Well of course, they aren't but they are convinced. Soon, things start to change and more drama in Laika, the name of the so-called spaceship. The story is mostly told through conversations, call records and also a little bit of articles and online posts.
The premise sounded super intense and I thought it had a lot of potential to be a very good book, that was why I requested for review in the first place. The book was relatively long, and I felt like it was a really long journey and draggy at a lot of points in the book. The chapters were so, so long I felt like ages as nothing really big happened throughout the book. There were of course some interesting parts of the book I enjoyed (and not gonna tell you because of spoilers) but overall, to view this book as a whole, this book was not really living up to my expectations and so I gave it a 2.5 stars rating.
The characters were one of the things I adored. They were all very diverse, not to mention some of them had hilarious personalities. This was totally a character-driven book as it focused on the characters more than the plot in my opinion. Some of the characters included a Japanese girl, a party-girl, a rich and seeking for attention kid, a know-it-all, an orphan and et cetera. Putting all of them together created funny and quirky moments and I really enjoyed that aspect of the book.
The writing style was a turn-off for me. I liked the idea of telling the story through conversations but somehow the way Gina Damico wrote was not my cup of tea! I found myself sometimes skipping lines and had the feeling of just reading it through just for the sake of finishing it and reviewing it. Nothing catchy in her writing, I'd definitely stopped and DNFed this book if it wasn't for NetGalley.
As a conclusion to this review, I was quite disappointed because I expected a thrilling ride but was led down. I have nothing else to say on this book so it's gonna be a very short review!